

Entities are a cross between lower level (fear based) entities and higher level (love based) entities. As humans go through their life on earth, many people will develop weakened energetic field's (auras) and a loss of personal power from life's traumas (soul loss), which causes people to become energetically vulnerable to lower level beings.

With This Workshop, You Will Learn Various Topics Such As What Are Entities, How Are They Attracted To Our Life, Hoe They Affect Our Life & Different Techniques To Release The Attachment Of Such Entities.

All the fear, anxiety, resistance and mind fog associated and triggered by uncertainty, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
All the conditioning, agreements, oaths, vows and promises that solidify, densify and make real all resistance to change, expansion and newness, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
All the desperation for certainty, control, predictability in order to feel safe, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
All the events, circumstances, cellular memories, inherited emotions and beliefs, picked up from the collective, entities, and astral entities, that demand, insist, ordain and perpetuate extrapolation of known history will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
All the ways in which we individually and collectively assume, expect, desire and perpetuate stuckness, sameness, history and limitation, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
Every habit, limiting belief, cellular memory, future program and auric imprint that locks, restrains and binds the individual and collective in old, outdated paradigms of fear, distrust, mistrust, lack and inadequacy, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
All the ways in which we resonate, amplify, mirror and perpetuate fear, anxiety, insecurity, inadequacy between DNA, energetic DNA and soul family members, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
What would it be like to truly know at all times that nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists? Anything that prevents that from showing up will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
What would it take to discern between fear and caution, projection and reality, imagination and awareness? Anything that prevents that from happening, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please

All the fear, anxiety, exhaustion and mind fog associated and triggered by believing in a fixed, adverse inevitability, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
All the conditioning, agreements, oaths, vows and promises that solidify, densify and make real this fixed, inevitable and adverse expectation, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
All the anticipatory gloom, doom, despair, and hopelessness that you experience consequent to the rigid belief in this so-called ‘adverse inevitability’, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
All the constriction, limitation, walling, barricading and restraint that you are self-imposing in the hopes of protecting yourself from this imagined inevitability, will you release, dissolve and let go now.
All the ways in which you refuse to allow yourself to be fully, authentically you as a result of believing in this inevitability, will you release, dissolve and let go now.
All the ways in which you block your awareness, filter your seeing of yourself, others and present circumstances, in ways that will perpetuate, support and validate your investment in this inevitability, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
All the events, circumstances, cellular memories, inherited emotions and beliefs, picked up from the ancestors, collective, entities, and astral entities, that invite, facilitate, demand, insist, ordain and perpetuate extrapolation or repetition of history will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
All the ways in which we individually and collectively assume, expect, desire and perpetuate stuckness, sameness, history and limitation, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
Every habit, limiting belief, cellular memory, future program and auric imprint that locks, restrains and binds the individual and collective in old, outdated paradigms of hopelessness, helplessness, impending doom, failure, betrayal, inevitable disappointment and lack of trust, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
All the ways in which we resonate, amplify, mirror and perpetuate grief, entrapment, bondage, helplessness, hopelessness and the certainty of disappointment, between DNA, energetic DNA and soul family members, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
What would it take for you to stop trying to prove or disprove this so-called inevitability? Anything that prevents that from showing up will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
What self-image are you holding, identifying and perpetuating that necessitates you make this anticipated inevitability real? What would it take for you to unzip, disentangle and no longer limit yourself to any such self-definition? Anything that prevents that from showing up will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please
What are you trying to punish yourself for by believing and making real this inevitability? What will it take for you to forgive yourself and let this go now? Anything that prevents that from happening will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
Anything and everything that leads you to believe that you are unworthy or undeserving of anything different or better than this, will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
What generative energy space and consciousness do you need to be that would allow you to experience a wholly new paradigm and a totally different outcome? Anything that prevents that from showing up will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.
What would it be like to be aware, open and receptive to entirely new, better, more harmonious, loving and intelligent possibilities? Anything that prevents that from showing up will you uncreate, delete and destroy across all time, space and dimensions now please.


An entity by definition is anything that has a life force of it’s own. In this article we are going to talk about entities in terms of ghosts, that is a disembodied entity, nature spirits, demons, beings of light and the identification of these and the benefits of clearing entities.

Entities can have a huge effect over your body, your life, your decision making and can also impact on relationships, money flows, business, computers, cars, houses… and the stepping into conscious awareness.

Many people have bought the Hollywood version of entities that they are to be feared or awed and have closed down their own awareness of the spirits from beyond the veil. This very cutting off of awareness is what creates most of the problems associated with entities.

Let me assure you now that entities are not to be feared. You have the body and that makes you the valuable product. The person with the body actually gets the choice in this reality, not the entity with out the body.

Let me also be clear too that just because an entity does not have a body it does not make them any brighter, more intelligent, more aware or more conscious than someone who does have a body! Knowing these four things;

the definition of an entity,
entities are not to be feared,
cutting off your awareness creates most of the problems with entities,
you having the body gives you the power,
can create a huge amount of ease when dealing with entities in your reality. I would bet that some of you in bodies are actually relaxing right now just with that information alone.

Just before I begin the article I would like to point out that this article is not just for people with bodies it is also for all those entities that are trying to connect with us, show us different possibilities or require our help. Many entities are asking me to write this so you can have the correct information, come out of fear and step into awareness.


A question will often open up an energy to many more possibilities, an answer will stop you from receiving anything different. If your point of view about entities is that you should fear them then that is an answer. That answer will create your reality with entities.

My friend Grant Podesta, who wrote a great article on Implants (see below for link), would no doubt be aware of the implants called ‘distracter implants’. There are 16 in all. One of these is the distracter implant of fear. A distracter implant is an idea or an energy that is implanted in you in order to control you.

Have you ever noticed that it is very difficult to control someone that is aware or happy? This is because they are not operating from distracter implants and the associated charge that goes with them.

Entities use the charge associated with these distracters to control you. If you do not have a charged point of view about entities they cannot control you.

How Some Entities Communicate

People who have a capacity with entities that have had a bad experience or bought a Hollywood point of view of entities, that is that they are scary, will seriously put up a barrier to the entities. Entities know of your capacity and so will keep trying to connect with you. This is when things can get really confusing for the person with a body. They have a point of view that they can’t talk to entities and yet the entities know they can talk with them. The entities may use distracter implants, to communicate with or take over the body. And some can move objects or turn lights on or off. These sorts of things are not bad spirits, they just know you can perceive them and they are trying to get your attention. Your body knows that you have a capacity with entities and will often try to give you that awareness. But most of us don’t listen to our bodies.

One 10 year old I worked with was freaking out about ghosts. His brothers made fun of him, and his mother did not believe him. It was actually his teacher that contacted me. The teacher knew something was going on because he was sleeping during class. She talked to the mother and the mother broke down in tears saying she did not know what to do as her son was not sleeping and she had found a kitchen knife under her son’s bed because he said he was scared of ghosts. Half an hour with the son and the mother and all that changed. First I acknowledged his capacity with entities and then we cleared the Hollywood points of view and then I gave him some tools to assist him. It was great to see him a few months later when he saw me at his school and he came bounding up saying ‘You are that ghost man, thank you!!!’

His point of view was that he was crazy because no one would believe him. He had the knife because he was terrified and it was the one way that he could tell his Mum that this was serious for him and that he was not making it up. How many of us cut off our awareness of entities because we had a bad experience, nobody believed us or we bought the point of view that they were scary? In doing this we cut off huge amounts of awareness and create barriers and separation not only to the spirit world but also with ourselves, family and friends.

Symptoms of Having an Entity(s) (or how your body can give you an awareness of an entity)

A feeling of dread or fear for no apparent reason often in the heart region.
Excessive sneezing
Weird sounds, often called tinnitus
Seeing things from the corner of the eye
Stomach aches
Thoughts of suicide
Chronic fatigue
Voices in your head
Chronic disease that cannot be diagnosed by a doctor
Tingling sensation in the body
Digestive disorders
Desire for drugs, alcohol or tobacco
Unable to make decisions easily
Night sweats
Similar symptoms to implants (see Grants article)
An increase in the consumption of salty or sugary foods
Multiple personality disorder
Mood swings
A lot of the daily ailments of a body are usually an awareness that your body is giving you and if you have a capacity with entities some of these ailments can be your bodies way of telling you about communication from beyond the veil.

As you can see these so called ailments are often misidentified as something wrong with your body. If you are willing to acknowledge your capacity with entities or find a person that will facilitate you, then many daily so called sicknesses of the body can be overcome easily and quickly.

The more you resist the capacity you have or the communication from entities, the more your body will tell you of the awareness you are refusing, this is often termed as disease, sickness or mental health problems.

Types of Entities

Disembodied Entities, Ghosts or People Without Bodies – these are general people, family, friends, people just like you that have passed over. They had a body, their body dies and now they are spirit only. Some of these spirits get stuck, and don’t know that they have choice. They try to communicate with people and most people ignore them. Often they are unaware that they are dead, or they try desperately to complete something that was not completed when they were alive and hence try to make contact with people.

This is the most common type of entity and most likely the ones that will be contacting you. The universe will only send you that which you can deal with. As your awareness expands so your awareness of entities will expand too and that’s when the real fun starts.

Nature Spirits – There is a whole reality out there that contributes to the earth. These spirits are there to facilitate change with earth. They are the second biggest group. Many people have a capacity with nature spirits. But as we have bought the form and structure of this reality we have cut off our connection with the earth, and these spirits.

I see many people who are gnomes and elves and trolls and fairies… that actually function in this reality and they have forgotten who they are. The old Peter Pan story of; you kill a fairy each time you say you don’t believe in them, is partially correct. Each time you ignore nature spirits you create a separation from them and from the earth. This is partly why the earth is in the dilemma that it is in right now because we are ignoring the call of the earth and flatly refusing to communicate with sprites, tree spirits and the like.

Demons – The likelihood of bumping in to one of these mainly depends on the awareness you have. As you become more aware of the spiritual world then demons will start to show up. They are not inherently wrong, bad or evil. Demons are entities that have been invoked to take care of things we do not want to deal with.

Just before the end of the Mayan calendar demon activity increased exponentially. As the construction of time changed, there was a completion of certain time related contracts and/or oaths that bound the demons to specific jobs. Most demons are bored and no longer want to be here, hence many are asking to be released. If you have a capacity with entities then you may have noticed that these types of entities have been showing up more frequently. They have no power over you other than what you give them. Demons can activate distracter implants like fear, anger, rage and fury. If you are willing to know that these emotions are not real then they can have no effect on you. If these distracters are being activated in you then it can be an indication of demon activity. They are often a lot easier to clear than what you have been led to believe.

If you are a therapist dealing with demons, don’t make the emotion significant. Demons are repelled by kindness and caring so the more you are willing to ditch the distracter implants and step in to your inherent being of kindness and caring the less they want to be around you or your client.

Beings of Light – I have left the Beings of Light to last as they are beings that are difficult to understand by our minds. To explain about Beings of Light is like trying to explain the colour yellow to a blind person. They are not constricted in any way by the construction of time or matter. They function from energy and space. These entities are there to create more consciousness. They are willing to contribute to you if you are willing to ask. They do not function from the polarity of this reality they function from beyond. They will not tell you what to do!

Other Entities – There are many other entities such as alien entities, gods, angels, planetary entities, Calibans, team mates, tricksters… to name but a few. They can function across many different realities, times, universes and dimensions. Too many and vast to be documented in such a short article.

How Entities Attach To Bodies

Entities use a magnetic resonance to attach to a person. The more emotional or thinking a person is, the easier it is for an entity to attach to a body. Entities often look for a particular magnetic resonance that is familiar to them when they had a body. The more aware you become the less charge will exist for you and hence entities are not as capable of attaching to the body.

Entities and Drugs

Many people turn to drugs due to an increase of voices in their head, thoughts and feelings and the drugs seem to reduce these voices, thoughts or feelings temporarily. Unfortunately when a person does large amounts of drugs it literally opens that person up to more entities, not less. When a person chooses to use drugs they step out of their awareness and put a ‘for rent’ sign up for entities to come in and take over the body.

If you are drinker and you hear a voice in your head telling you to just have one more drink, that is most likely an entity. The entities that take over a body use the magnetic imprinting of your body and it is often the entity that wants the drink so you will leave and it can have control over the body.

I have quite literally taken thousands of entities out of people who use drugs.


One of the fun things about the entity world is how they can travel from one reality to another. To do this they often use portals. Portals are really a tool that were sold to us as a substitute for total awareness. However many entities use them to move around. If you are constantly clearing a person of entities then there may well be a portal involved.

A portal can be in a specific part of the body, aura or in a location like a house.

I had very painful knees for many years and then somebody asked me if I had portals in them. Once I became aware of this I was able to be facilitated to close them and quite literally all the pain (which I thought was arthritis) went in half an hour.

One client who used drugs and was diagnosed as bipolar came to see me. He was very aware of entities and he knew he had opened a portal. He actually described it to me, it was like a whirlpool that entered his body at the back of his head and the large open-end was where entities would slide into him. He said they would sit on the rim and when he invited them in they would slide down into his head. He loved his portal as most people thought he was nuts and avoided him so he could always call upon an entity or 2 to come play. I asked if he wanted to close the portal and that was a no.

I bought a house in Cairns, Australia, and it was originally a place of meeting for aboriginals. A portal had been opened there and our garden shed was the main entry and exit point. Even our neighbours would tell us of people coming and going from our back yard. The funny thing was, when I cleaned the shed out I found all this weird chemical apparatus in it. Upon research of the history of the house we found that the house had always attracted people with drug and alcohol problems and at one point a motor bike gang had used the shed as a clandestine laboratory. How cute is that? I did not have the tools to close it then and that is when my body really got sick.

As my dad said, who was a mechanic, “You need the right tool for the job.” Get the correct information and tools and it can be easy and fun to deal with entities, portals and all things that go bump in the night.

Where Do Entities Hang Out

Shopping centres
Sheds (lol)
Anywhere where there is a lot of emotional or thinking charge or judgement
Does that mean we have to avoid these places. No! Just be aware! That is the key with dealing with entities. AWAREWNESS!

Benefits of Entity Removal

A feeling of space is probably the greatest benefit.
More energy
Easier decision making
Less mind chatter
Sudden change in chronic diseases
Dissipation of Allergies
Happier relationships
Giving up of drug addictions
Lessoning of anger, fear and anxiousness
More ease sleeping
Reduction in pressure in the head
Reduction in pain, nausea, sickness
Entities and Houses

Many people are aware of haunted houses. Most suburbs have one or two. This is often because somebody who passed away there, is still there in spirit and has a point of view that it is still their house. These are usually pretty easy to clear. Remember that clearing entities is also about empowering the entity to have choice too! Once an entity recognises they have choice they often leave of their own volition.

Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra often refer to the entity of the house or building. Cars also can attract entities, as can computers, animals, machinery… Oh just about anything.

Protection from Entities

The best protection is being aware. If you are willing to step more into Infinite Being you will find that entities do not affect you in the same way.

Crosses, holy water, garlic, sage sticks (which clear charge), incense, bells, etc can have effect but this is often determined by the point of view of the person who is being effected. People that use these sorts of protection have already made a decision that entities have the power and they don’t. Educate your self with the correct information and being more aware is the best protection. If you are operating from out of date or emotional or fear based information you will wreak havoc in your reality. It does not have to be hard or painful.

I often use an orangey, red and indigo blue light with children before they go to bed this allows them to sleep. I would recommend a great book for kids (and parents) called ‘Things that go bump in the night’ (see end of article for link).

Entities and Kids

Kids don’t have barriers up to the spirit world. It is only as we grow older that we cut off our awareness. Perhaps you have seen kids looking at spaces where there is apparently nothing and playing with imaginary friends or saying that they can hear people talk when there is no one around. This is perfectly natural and should not be made fun of, or told that is just imagination. Ask kids questions of what they hear and see without any point of view and you will get some great awareness and empower them at the same time. I don’t perceive kids as lesser than adults, I see them as infinite beings too and I talk to that, the infinite being. This way we empower our children to know what is true for them.

The 10 year old boy I mentioned earlier was one of the first kids of many that I facilitated with entities and it is always amazing at the change they are willing to create. About 70 % of issues with entities with kids is actually the parents thinking their child is weird or because they themselves are fearful of entities (often having cut that capacity off themselves when they were not acknowledged when small).

Two places where kids can be affected dynamically by entities is when asleep, which I mentioned earlier, and the second is at school.

Have you ever had a child that is kind and caring be a monster when they leave school? Have you ever wondered if they are being them or if it is an entity?

Schools are a huge magnets for entities as school is all about right and wrong and that creates a lot of charge which is very exciting for an entity because it means they can attach to people in the school and get to experience this reality.

This does not mean you have to take your child out of school, that would be buying into the lies of fear, it means you have to be more aware and educate yourself and your kids about entities.

Advice on Clearing Entities Yourself

There is plenty of information out there if you are willing to ask. Educate yourself by choosing what is light for you. Are you and infinite being or a pile of debris? If you answer to infinite being then you always know what is true for you. If it is light for you in that 10 seconds then it is true for you and if it is heavy then it is a lie for you! Follow the lightness. If it is fear based, not empowering, or if the person or entity is telling what you should do then use this light/heavy tool. People with or with out bodies who tell you what should do are not always working for your best interest.

What is it that makes me judge Self and that outside of Self? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What would it take for me to receive judgement from others without judgement? Everything that does not allow this, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

How many times have I judged myself to invite demons? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What stupidity am I using to create the invention, artificial intensity and the demons from which I must be delivered, am I choosing? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

How much of thoughts, feelings, emotions, sex and no sex is actually the demon universe from which I must be delivered? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

How much energy am I using to create the wrongness of me, which is the domination on planet Earth by demons of judgement? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What stupidity am I using to create the absolute invention and total artificial intensity of the demon source and demon-dominated Earth am I choosing? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What stupidity am I using to believe that demons are a source of power? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

How many defences do I have to protect the why of my reality? Everything that is times a Godzillion, I will destroy and uncreate it all. Right & wrong, good & bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds

How many times have I been a Demon? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What is it that makes me believe I need walls, barriers and other forms of protection? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What is it that makes me believe that demons are more powerful than me? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What have I judged good and bad, right and wrong about my interactions with unemboidied entities? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What is it that makes me believe that entities are more vital than me, that they are gods, rulers, idols, masters? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What is it that I enjoy about having demons around? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What energy, space and consciousness can I be to repel all entities? Everything that does not allow this, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds. (note: this will not stop you from being able to interact with high-vibrational beings or if you like beings of the light as they will still be of a vibration that will enable them to contact you if needed – just in case you are wondering ;-))

What state of peace, kindness and gratitude can I be to repel all entities? Everything that does not allow this, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9 shorts, boys and beyonds.

What contracts, curses, repeating curses, spells, incantations, oaths, vows, fealties, comealties, swearings, commitments, pledges, promises, agreements, alignments, alliances, allegiances, obligations, covenants, treaties, bonds, deals, deeds, decrees, duties, declarations, dispensations, decisions, mandates, edicts, accords, assignments, pacts, connections, programs, ownerships, associations, affiliations, attachments, dedications, offerings, wells and terms including SHICUUUU ones and all clauses that allow re-instatement or additional copies of the original to be made, do I have throughout all time, space, dimensions and realities that keep me from infinite perceiving, knowing, being and receiving? All that is, I cancel, revoke, recant, rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate them all times a Godzillion. Right & wrong, good & bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

(Note: SHICUUUU stands for Secret, Hidden, Invisible/Un-visible, Covert, Unseen, Unsaid, Undisclosed, Unacknowledged)

How many times have I created contracts, curses, repeating curses, spells, incantations, oaths, vows, fealties, comealties, swearings, commitments, pledges, promises, agreements, alignments, alliances, allegiances, obligations, covenants, treaties, bonds, deals, deeds, decrees, duties, declarations, dispensations, mandates, edicts, accords, assignments, pacts, connections, programs, ownerships, associations, affiliations and attachments including anything SHICUUUU, that have limited other people and entities throughout all time, space, dimensions and realities? All that is, I cancel, revoke, recant, rescind, reclaim, renounce, denounce, destroy and uncreate them all times a Godzillion. Right & wrong, good & bad, POD and POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

What stupidity am I using to not receive the push of consciousness am I choosing? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

How many lies am I using to create the causal incarceration and incarnation am I choosing? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

What have I made so vital about causal incarceration and incarnation that keeps me eternally allow entities to be a source of control and manipulation? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

What have I made so vital about causal incarceration and incarnation that keeps me eternally creating the problem with entities I cannot change? Everything that is, I will destroy and uncreate it all times a Godzillion. Good & bad, right & wrong, POD & POC, all 9, shorts, boys and beyonds.

Clearing Entities

There are quite a few ways to clear entities but as I have explained they are not all equal. One method that is being used and which is becoming quite popular is very simple and easy but it is also somewhat ineffective. With this method the healer simply goes up to God and commands that the Entity be removed, in fact they may just go up and command that all entities be removed from the individual being healed. Before doing this the healer must ask permission from the client and if they say yes please remove the entities then it is seen that free will has been respected and it is all ok. Well the problem here is that the individual does not understand what an entity is, they do not see how the entity or entities have been effecting them, they do not see why they caught the entity in the first place and therefore their own emotional issues that lead to the problem and so it is not possible for the person to truly choose to have the entity removed. If someone does not even understand what they are giving permission for then how can it be said that their decision was based on their own free will? Besides this the entity has not been consulted whatsoever and so the entities free will is completely overlooked. Now this method can indeed remove the entity but it will almost certainly not clear it properly, it will simply be removed from the individual as this is what was commanded. It will almost certainly try to get back in and if that fails it will go for someone else. Aside from this the person who had the entity cleared still does not understand why they caught the entity and has not dealt with their own issues so there is a good chance that a new entity may be attracted to the same area as the energy there will be weak for a time. Keep in mind that what I have said is not based on a theory of how these things work but by a direct observation. I have seen many times how these types of clearings fail.

My method for Clearing Entities:

The method I use to clear entities first requires that the client be induced into an altered state of consciousness so that they themselves can see the entity, how it effects them, why they caught it, when and where. To access this state the client is guided into the space of the third eye. This is a simple technique and it is not hypnosis, the client remains fully aware during the entire process and can stop at any time. Once in the space the client is in a relaxed state of consciousness and may feel like they a floating in space. The client is lying down during the process while I sit beside them and I also go into the space. By doing this we create a connection to our guides and to the light. This makes it very easy for the client to get into the space even if they have never meditated before. Once we are in the space I will feel in my own body what the client feels in the area where the entity is attached. By doing this I get a good feel for what is happening and I see the entity very clearly. I then put my hand over the area on the clients body where the entity is attached to help them focus on the area. The client is then asked to feel the area for any emotions or feelings that may be present. Typical areas for entities to be attached are usually near the chakras, most often in the belly or in the chest regions.

The client is able to feel much more clearly their energy and emotions in the deep state of consciousness of the space. They will usually feel some emotion like sadness, anger or whatever it may be. Then the technique is to simply help them feel it more deeply and to guide them by asking simple questions. As I can see the entity and feel the emotions myself it is quite easy to guide the person but I do not tell them what I see, the idea is simply to guide them deeper into the space and into their own energy so they can see for themselves. It really is amazing how much people can see, feel and remember while in the space. They will remember when they caught the entity and it will be very clear, they will be able to see and feel how the entity has effected them and they will be able to see and feel the entity itself and know what it really is. I should probably tell you here that this is not scary. The entity is seen for what it is and so the fear of such a thing is greatly diminished if not completely eradicated.

Once the person has seen enough and understands what has been happening they are then in a position to choose for the entity to be removed as they have truly learned from the experience now because they can see it from a higher level of awareness. The talent for helping people through this process is empathy. By me allowing myself to feel the deep buried emotions within someone else while we are in this expanded state of awareness it makes it very easy for the person to feel it themselves. This is the starting point for the clients exploration and as I can feel what is inside them guiding them is much easier.

Now when it comes to entities the same very same mechanism is used. If I continue to see the entity the way it appears outwardly it will not change and it will not allow the light to come in and clear it properly. If the light is brought down at this stage and the clearing performed it is more likely that the entity will try to jump out of the person being cleared and jump onto me or someone else in the vicinity. If there is nobody else it will flee and start looking for another host. This is not what we want. If however I allow myself to feel the entities deep buried emotions instead of just seeing its outward appearance then the entity will feel its deeper emotions as well. At this point the entity has already been opened up to some degree. An entity is a very simple being, it is not nearly as complex as a person, it has one core emotional issue and its outward personality is based on trying ot escape or not feel this one core issue. SO as soon as the entity is brought closer to its own core emotional pain it is opened, it is changed and it loses its direction. Once this occurs if the light is brought down the entity will not run from it but the light will actually get inside the entity and open it up further. it will not just put it into contact with its core emotional issue but it will begin to heal it. At this point the entity very quickly becomes loving instead of angry, scared, depressed, hateful or whatever its outward emotions were. It will be sorry for what it has done to the client and it will want to be forgiven. The entity will now choose to go into the light as it feels so good, the entity is literally absorbed into bliss and all pain is dissolved. This is a true clearing, the entity will never come back anywhere and its pain has truly been healed. If the entity is not cleared in this manner it will continue on earth to search for a living host and its painful emotions will continue in itself and in the hosts it chooses.

When the light comes down it will clear all the energy from the entity in the client as well as deeply heal the clients own energy body. It is a beautiful experience and it is very blissful for the client. They will often see a bright light and they will always feel a blissful warmth in their body where the entity was. What is also very interesting is that the client will also see the entity change. It is amazing to watch an entity change in front of your eyes and then hear the client say "it just changed, its not angry anymore, its sorry" etc. They are seeing exactly what I am seeing. It is extremely tangible and there is absolutely no doubt as to the validity of the experience.

Now although the clearing experience is amazing and will certainly have a deep impact on the client because they have seen with their own senses something that is of a non physical nature it is the after effects which are the most exciting. Once a large entity that has been with someone for many years is removed they are freed from a very heavy energy. They will feel more and more themselves over the days and weeks after the clearing and the change in them is very tangible. True healing may now occur where an entity may have been causing a very real emotional problem. Well the entity wasn't really the cause of the problem but they can certainly amplify a problem and make it very hard to heal while the entity is still present. Keep in mind that an entity is a simple being, nowhere near as complex and powerful as a person and people can be full of emotional problems with no entities whatsoever. Still entities are real and they do need to be dealt with in a proper manner.

Clearing entities should not be practiced by someone without a good understanding and empathy. Empathy is the most important aspect for a clearer for to be able to feel what the entity feels removes all judgment of the entity and its actions and allows one to just feel what is at the core of a being. The same goes for helping someone to delve deeper into their subconscious. By feeling their emotional pain it takes some of the edge off for them and allows them to deal with issues that may be too painful on their own. The entity may never be able to delve into their subconscious without the help of the clearer because they are simple and lack the required awareness to do this. So the greatest task of the clearer is to allow themselves to feel the emotional pain of both the client and the entity. It is therefore very important that the clearer works hard on their own energy as they will be picking up negative energies from the client and the entity during the clearing session. This is the reason for so many healers and psychics refusing to do clearings or for them charging extremely high prices for such a service. It is also the reason for the clearing methods that do not work properly as the clearers do not wish to engage with the entity on a deep level or the client for that matter, due to the risk to their own energy. It therefore seems to take a certain type of person to perform this type of job properly. I hope the above explanation may help other people in this line of work to do the job properly.

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